Saturday, December 29, 2012

I Have a Pretty Awesome Fiance!

My fiance had this painting commissioned for me for Christmas. I was extremely touched that he would go to the effort of having such a personal gift made just for me. Yep, he's a keeper! I may have to stray from obligates and thumbs to set up a viv for Azureus or Leucomelas now. 

Art by Brad Barker

Friday, December 21, 2012

Pumilio Salt Creek in Their New Home

Ed just sent me a few photos of the F1 male and unrelated female in their new setup. It's so rewarding to see my frogs go to a great home! Moments like this are what this hobby is all about!!!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tales from the Frog Room

A few updates from the frog room. The Frye Darkland pair unfortunately turned out to be two very volatile males, which quickly had to be separated; the Frye Golfitos have been cautiously getting to know their new home; and the rest of the quarantined frogs got a clean bill of health from Wasatch Exotic Pet Care and went into their permanent homes this week. The fine spot Bastimentos and Rambalas settled in and started exploring right away. It's been difficult to get pictures, but here are a couple that show their coloring fairly well. 

Yellow Rambala Male
Yellow Rambala Male
Yellow Rambala Male

BFS Male
BFS Male

BFS Female
The following two photos are from when the Bastimentos FS were still in quarantine.

Male and Female BFS

Male BFS

One of the Golfitos has decided this film canister is his/her favorite spot to hang out.  I can almost always find him/her there.

I found one of the Popa kids running around today. This is the first time I've seen them since right after they came OOTW over two months ago. 

F1 Isla Popa Golden
And lastly, the first of the Bastimentos Salt Creek kids went to their new home with Ed. I couldn't be happier with this placement! He took the first calling male from my F1s and an unrelated female that I purchased with the group. She was too young to sex until she paired with my male last month so I figured she'd be a good match for this little guy. I know Ed will take great care of them!

BSC Male
BSC Male

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Don't be Blue

Because who on earth could be sad while looking at these little sapphire beauties? The Frye line Darklands are finally in their new home. I cheated a bit and didn't wait quite as long as I would have liked for the microfauna to grow in, but they just looked so sad in their little temp tub.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thank You Ed and Brian!

I took quite a while to finish the Darkland, Bastimentos FS, Rambala, and Golfito Vivs, but they are finally fully built. I now just have to add a bit more leaf litter and wait for microfauna to get going and plants to fill in a bit. Thanks to Brian, for drilling holes, and Ed, for tons of plants! I sincerely appreciate your assistance! Of course, there will be a whole new set of pictures when the animals are introduced, but for now here are a few photos and plant lists.

Plants from Ed - I think I counted 26 in all

BFS - Hardscpae
BFS - Plants and Substrate Added
BFS - Closeup of Broms
BFS plant list - Neoregelia generic fireball type, Neoregelia hot tamale, Neoregelia mocha mint, Masdevallia herradurae, Ficus radicans, Marcgravia sp., Ficus Panama, Peperomia serpens, Microgramma lycopodiodes, Begonia polygonoides, Syngonium Rayii, Ruellia sp., Pellionia repens, Begonia manaus.

Darkland - Hardscape
Darkland - Plants and Substrate Added
Darkland - Closeup of Broms
Darkland plant list - Neoregelia maya, Neoregelia trey, Neoregelia gold fever, Ficus villosa, Restrepia brachypus, Bulbophyllum sp., Begonia limprictii, Clidemia hirta, Cissus amazonica, Ficus radicans, Begonia manaus. Unfortunately the camera doesn't do justice to the colors on the Neo Maya and Trey. They are pale yellow with pink accents and glow white under the blue led moonlight. 

20g Quad

Rambala - Left
 Rambala Left Plant list - Neoregelia donger, Billbergia poquito mas, Tillandsia abdita, Cryptanthus sp., African Violet sp., Peperomia sp., Selaginella erythropus, Syngonium erythrophyllum, Manuran Vine
Rambala - Right
Rambala Right Plant list - Neoregelia fireball, Neoregelia red waif, Neoregelia sp., Tillandsia abdita, Begonia rex sp., Begonia prismatocarpa, Rhaphidophora sp., Microgramma heterophylla, Anubias nana.

15g Trio

Golfito - Hardscape

Golfito - Planted and Substrate Added
Golfito plant list - Vriesea splendens, Vriesea ospinae, Vriesea erythrodactylon, Neoregelia fireball, Neoregelia pauciflora x katutskyi, Neoregelia sao sebastio, Billbergia boracho, Begonia manaus, Epipremnum pinnatum blue, Ficus radicans, Pellionia repens, Peperomia serpens, Philodendron glaucophyllum,

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Another Must Have for Oophaga Fans!

Fellow frogger, Brian Harris, created this stunning calendar from photos he took on a recent trip to Panama. I absolutely had to have one and with a portion of the profits going to Tree Walkers International, all Oophaga fans should pick one up! Click HERE to see photos of each month and learn how you can purchase your own calendar.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Transport Shot - Pumilio San Cristobal

I rarely seem to come across my frogs in transport and photographs of the event have all but completely eluded me. Granted this is not a photographic masterpiece, I was incredibly excited to get it!

I really must pick up a better camera and learn a few skills.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

First Pumilio San Cristobal OOTW

Today is an incredibly exciting day for me! Finally, the longest residents of my current obligate group, have offspring coming out of the water. I went to see if I could snap a photo of this little guy…

when I found his sibling up on the mushroom shelf.

And here's the most recent generation.

Monday, October 15, 2012

First Pumilio Isla Popa OOTW

He's still hiding in the safety of the bromeliad. I can't wait to see all of him! There's also a second froglet in the center of the brom behind him. It's not quite ready to come out.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Things I Lost in the Fire - The Holy Grail

No, I'm not referring to a real fire, but a metaphorical one mentioned in History. There are a few animals from my former collection that I have vowed will someday be part of my life again: Uroplatus Phantasticus, Pumilio Bastimentos, and Pumilio Rio Branco. Today an animal I have long since coveted as the Holy Grail of my collection is here once again. This is a small preview while the animals settle in to their temporary home.

Male U. Phantasticus

Male U. Phantasticus
Female U. Phantasticus

Friday, September 7, 2012

Blooms in the Viv

I love using flowers as part of my viv plans. There's something about the viv that seems so alive when the plants not only grow, but transform with bursts of color throughout the year. Many of my plants are currently blooming. These are a few of my past and present favorites.

Begonia Prismatocarpa 

Begonia Prismatocarpa

Haraella Retrocalla

Epidendrum Porpax

Dendrobium Indivism

Trias Intermedia


African Violet

Monocostus Uniflorus

M.U. - I love the spiral growth habit of this plant!
Aerangis Luteo Alba

Kingianum Deliciosum