Friday, December 6, 2013

A Second Exciting Must Have from Chris Van Der Lingen

The original pumilio morph guide, from the sadly departed Chris Van Der Lingen, boasts beautiful photos and is highly coveted by pumilio people worldwide. This new comprehensive pumilio book, co-authored by Frank Steinmann, should prove to be even more highly sought after. I absolutely cannot wait to pick my copy. Thank you Frank and Chris for giving so much back to this hobby!

Monday, December 2, 2013


The red Popas seem to be going a bit more orange these days. Still pretty, but a tiny disappointment. I'm hoping they don't fade much more. Their gold/green siblings haven't faded much after hitting the 4 month mark so maybe we'll be lucky.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Super Sad Day

Over the last few weeks I realized I have a voracious egg eater in the Cristobal group; about 25 or so recent eggs and tads. I had thought it was possibly one of the now adult F1s that I have yet to pull, but also had a sneaking suspicion it was Scar. I got my answer this week when I found her sitting atop 3 different devastated gel masses at different times. This time she wasn't letting any eggs get to maturity so I had to pull her. Of course it would have to be my favorite girl. Hoping for a male from the remaining pair now so I can set her up on her own. I am SO running out of room.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rambala Pair

When it looked like the 2.2 Rambala that I picked up in 2012 were more likely 3.1, I brought in another "female."

After treatment, and an eight month quarantine, she was good to go and went in with the spotted guy.

He's been calling nearly non-stop to her but she seems fairly uninterested. I did notice with the other pair that the females seem to take a while to settle in and respond so hopefully that's all it is and I don't have another male on my hands.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween everyone! The orange frogs were out in force today to celebrate.

First up, a couple of beautiful Salt Creek kids. Love the belly on the second shot.

And next the Cristobals. I promise I didn't pose that first one. They seemed to be holding a conference when I walked by the tank today. These are all F1s from my trio. I've been very pleased with the way the offspring from these frogs have turned out.

A little closer.

Slightly washed out, but still pretty.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blue Baby

This little Darkland was right out in front today. He seems to be coming along nicely though he may be the only one. Fingers crossed for more success.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Look What I Won!

"These are 3' x 3' Frog Room art prints on vinyl and each will be auctioned off at Frogtoberfest II at Black Jungle Terrarium Supply in Turners Falls, MA on October 19th at 4pm. We are auctioning it off and all the proceeds will be donated to Tesoros de Colombia!" - Black Jungle Terrarium Supply

No clue where I'll find the room to hang it, but I'm excited to be able to help out with the Tesoro effort and to have this great piece of art!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wedding and TWI

I got married last weekend with all the hoopla and excitement that you would imagine from a marketer and public relations gal. There were musicians, dancers, and elaborate decorations including, of course, live frogs. So much fun! My fiance (now husband) and I decided to ask people to support one of two charities instead of buying us wedding gifts. I put Tree Walkers International down for mine.

So far, TWI has seen $420 in donations come through from our guests. I'm pretty excited. See, just look how excited I am!

Of course, now all the mystery of who I am and what I look like are gone for you dear readers. However, I think there may be two of you at best so... no harm.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rambala Babies

The first little 'Rambala' pumilio started coming out of the water this week. Nice coloration so far.

Already on the ground hunting

 A bit behind and still keeping to the safety of the bromeliad

Ah, what a fun toy Instagram is!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Menudo and Skittles

Two years and counting. It's been so fun to go back and look at photos and history in this blog. I just wish I would have started it years earlier! In celebration, here's a little ode to froggy birthday cakes. Man there are some talented folks out there!

Love this Vanzo cake by Girlwithafrogtattoo on Dart Den.
And this RETF!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Darkland Kids

Well there is no longer any question as to whether the new Darkland From Eric Malolepsy is a female. The other day I opened the viv and was startled by a tiny little guy flying for cover. I had no clue. Got a couple quick pics before it disappeared into the depths of the foliage.

Maybe this was mom feeding the little one.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Basti Family Photos

Top is mom and dad and the bottom two photos show the diversity in offspring. Love these guys!

Mom, dad, and kiddo.

Closeup of mom.

Caught dad calling.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Bastimentos FS Babies

I love the diversity in the 1st round of fine spot Basti babies. One has lots of tiny spots, one has slightly random scattered spots, and then there's this guy with almost no spots.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Red Popas

The majority of the popa offspring have looked just like their gold parents, but recently I found a couple reddish froglets. I'm excited to see how their colors turn out in a year or so.

Monday, June 24, 2013

First Rambala Clutch

After eight months I found the first Rambala clutch. I was starting to wonder if I had ended up with any females in this group. I trimmed back the viv significantly the other day so I imagine that prompted the mating. Very glad to know I don't have five males!

A couple hours later I walked in to the male watering this clutch. I rarely see this guy and was excited for the opportunity to take a couple pictures.