Though I didn't have as much time to mingle and check out the vendors while working, I still walked away with some pretty amazing finds. I picked up a couple cemetery Bastimentos from Adam Butt for the second time. This fantastically spotted Basti was just too hard to pass up.
And since Adam was kindof pairing him up with this girl, who later turned out to be a rather aggressive male, I just grabbed both. Crossing my fingers that the kiddo above actually turns outs to be a girl. This house is already far too male heavy!!!
Traded a "Rambala" pumilio towards this proven group of Aurotaenia. So excited to finally pick these frogs up. Best call ever!
Hopefully I can catch the call on video soon! Click here for a Youtube video from Stemcellular Ray. Unfortunately Blogger is unable to find the video in their search. So annoyed!
Thanks to the Salt Creek pumilio I brought, I also picked up a group of Epipedobates Pasaje-Sarayunga el Oro from Tor Linbo who, along with Todd Kelley, kindly allowed me to share a vendor table and attempted to help sell the small group of pumilio I brought along. These frogs are fast and shy right now making it hard to get good photos, but also were on the have-to-have list for their amazing call.