Friday, February 28, 2014

Pretty Basti Kid

This little fine spot froglet has turned out pretty nice. Hoping it's a female to pair up with my extra male.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Different Shade of Cristobal

Two Cristobal offspring. The little one on the right came out pretty red for a Cristo and has kept its color. It'll be fun to see it in about 3-5 years.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Newest Fine Spot Bastimentos

A couple new fs Basti babies came out of the water recently and this time I finally got legs like dad. Mom is of course gorgeous too, but just not quite as striking. Here they are with one from the previous group, that looks like mom, towards the back.

Closeups just after coming ootw

And mom with the next gen on her back.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pretty Cristobals

Just a nice photo I got the other day of this pair. They produce such gorgeous offspring and will always be a favorite here!